Bet you’ve never seen this before…


Yep, that’s right. You can read it as many times as you want but that title will still say Memberships .

Is this the future? I don’t know, but I thought it would be a fun way to shake things up either way. These memberships allow you to get multiple tattoos spontaneously throughout the year without having to scrape together a large chunk of cash each time. Plus you get a bit of a discount.

Price of memberships may change at any time depending on whether my rates have changed. But your membership price will be locked in when you sign up.

More membership information and details at the bottom of the page.

drip + petal


(for 12 months)

  • 4 free Flash Tattoos

  • 10% off all Pre-Drawns

  • 1 free hour off of a Custom Tattoo

  • Free T-Shirt


drizzle + bud


(for 12 months)

  • 1 free Pre-Drawn

  • 4 free Flash Tattoos

  • 10% off all Pre-Drawns

  • 1 free hour off all Custom Tattoos

  • Free T-Shirt


bleed + bloom


(for 12 months)

  • 2 free Pre-Drawns

  • 4 free Flash Tattoos

  • 15% off all tattoos

  • 1 free hour off of a Custom Tattoo

  • Free T-Shirt


These memberships are a year long contract where you pay a monthly membership fee to receive special tattoo rates, free products and guaranteed appointments throughout the year. The benefits offered are annual, not monthly. These are aimed at clients who know they will want multiple tattoos in the coming year and will take full advantage of the benefits of having a membership. Whatever you do not use by the end of the subscription does not carry over to the next year. This is a use it or lose it program.

Predrawn vs Flash:

I categorize my available tattoos based on size and simplicity. Flash tattoos are always labeled in my IG posts as such and they are typically designed to be between palm sized and hand sized. Predrawn tattoos are also likewise labeled in all my posts and are typically designed to be hand sized or bigger, but often have minimum size requirements that vary widely.

When you come in for your first appointment I will give you your membership merch! A punch card with your name on it and a T-shirt. You WILL NEED to bring this punch card with you to each appointment to have it punched. If you forget to bring the card you will have to pay for the tattoo, as this is the only way for me to keep track of everyone’s tattoo membership use.

Payment will not be required when you get a tattoo. However, I will take a REFUNDABLE deposit to book your appointment and you will receive that back at the end of the appointment. If you cancel/reschedule less than 5 days prior to the appointment, or do not show up for your appointment, I will keep the deposit and require a new one for your next appointment.

Have fun kids!